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Avoiding the 'I'll-Give-Back-Later' Trap
Steve Davis is president and CEO of PATH, an international nonprofit whose goal is to help communities break longstanding cycles of poor health. The cross-sectoral skills he attained during his earlier work in other organizations, he says, are crucial when it comes to adapting innovations to the places that need them most. In this interview, he talks about his approach to leadership and the import... posted on Oct 26 2013, 13,859 reads


Bend That Arc of Justice: A Brilliant Commencement Address
A man at the intersection of activism and public health, Dr. Larry Brilliant has dedicated his life to eradicating disease and ensuring the delivery of healthcare as a fundamental human right. Click here to read his inspiring commencement speech to the graduating class of Harvard's School of Public Health, where he urges us all to lend our hand in bending the proverbial arc of the universe towards... posted on Oct 25 2013, 17,959 reads


Nurturing Your Introvert-Extrovert Mix
There is no such thing as a pure introvert or a pure extrovert; rather, everyone has a different mix of both tendencies in their personality. Read this insightful article to learn how to get the most from your personality type and how to understand and support the personality types of others. ... posted on Oct 24 2013, 39,475 reads


What Are The Secrets To A Happy Life?
With so many self-help books and articles out there posing different theories about what leads to happiness in life, and so many passing fads and trends, how do we know when we've found the right tools that will lead us to a lifetime of joy? Since 1938, The Grant Study has followed 267 sophomores from Harvard University as their lives have unfolded, with the aim of documenting the key factors that... posted on Oct 23 2013, 66,635 reads


The Power of Voluntary Simplicity
Simplicity means taking charge of lives that are too busy, too stressed, and too fragmented. Simplicity means cutting back on clutter, complications, and trivial distractions, both material and nonmaterial, and focusing on the essentials -- whatever those may be for each of our unique lives. As Thoreau said, "Our life is frittered away by detail... Simplify, simplify." Or, as Plato wrote, "In orde... posted on Oct 22 2013, 54,214 reads


Kitchen of Cheer
"Food is just a means of getting closer to people." Watching a child rummage in the garbage to drink melted ice from a discarded plastic sack spurred Mavis Ching to do something. Touch A Life prepares lunches for local kids and Saturday deliveries to their families in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Mother Teresa said: "The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved." Touch A Life a... posted on Oct 21 2013, 4,828 reads


Robert Hass On Rivers & Stories
In this essay, Pulitzer prize-winning poet Robert Hass brings our attention to the potential resilience of rivers as stories across cultures, places, and time, that most of the life on earth depends on fresh water, and that like stories they have a beginning, a middle, and an end. In between they flow, if we let them...... posted on Oct 20 2013, 21,858 reads


Darwin & The Survival of the Kindest
Dacher Keltner, director of the Berkeley Social Interaction Laboratory, investigates what it means to live a good and meaningful life from the fascinating perspectives of neurobiology, emotion science, and evolutionary science. Contrary to the idea that Darwin saw human beings as competitive and self-interested, Keltner argues that Darwin saw the human species as profoundly social and caring. He e... posted on Oct 19 2013, 26,915 reads


The Last Quiet Places
Gordon Hempton says that silence is an endangered species. He's an acoustic ecologist -- a collector of sound all over the world. He defines real quiet as presence -- not an absence of sound, but an absence of noise. The Earth as Gordon Hempton knows it is a "solar-powered jukebox." Quiet is a "think tank of the soul." In this interview we take in the world through his ears.... posted on Oct 18 2013, 39,061 reads


Love's Micro Moments of Connection
Is there any scientific basis for believing that love can stretch beyond the boundaries of our intimate relationships? What do the latest developments in human biology and psychology have to say? Barbara Fredrickson is better qualified than most other people to answer these questions. A professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leading figure in the burgeoning "positive ps... posted on Oct 17 2013, 23,238 reads


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Whenever catching sight of others, look on them with an open, loving heart.
Patrul Rinpoche

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